29 April, 2008

28 April, 2008

Analysis of state exam 2006

Look at the reports and letters part...

22 April, 2008

To increase your vocabulary...

I've uploaded some pages from Exam Dictionary to help you compile your own vocabulary lists (Thank you Gerli for scanning these for me!).

The pages can be found HERE.

Any new materials that I'll come up with before the exam will also be uploaded on the same address and you can also check the DEL.ICIO.US/TKIG_ENGLISH page for some grammar and vocabulary exercises you can do online and also several writing links etc. etc.

Also good luck to you for the report you have to write on Saturday in Estonian language!

16 April, 2008

vocabulary lists for exam preparation

Here is where the scanned files with vocabulary on social and global issues as well as work and environment can be found.

I'll post a page of useful tips very soon.

08 April, 2008

Topics to be mastered

The following topics have been taken (and translated) from "Riigi Teataja" and that is what you are supposed to have mastered in a foreign language by the end of your high school studies.
1. ALL about ME: I as a personality among others; special features, abilities, preferences, strengths/weaknesses
2. FAMILY/HOME: marriage and family; roles in family; rights and obligations, home and upbringing; family budget
3. FRIENDS: relationships between friends; social issues/problems
4. ENVIRONMENT: nature, nature protection, natural resources, climate, country/town, urbanization
ESTONIA: http://www.einst.ee/ government, economy, traditions, international relations
WORLD: international relations
5. ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES (UK, USA, NZ, Australia etc): government, economy, traditions, international relations
6. HABITUAL ACTIONS: healthy lifestyle, nutrition, communication in service sector, accidents (giving aid)
7. EDUCATION / WORK: education system and study possibilities in Estonia and English-speaking countries, learning skills, exam skills; employment/unemployment; development in technology
8. HOBBIES, CULTURE: sports, art, music, theatre, important cultural figures; advertising and its role; Information society and its problems

You should have sufficient vocabulary to speak on all of these topics at the oral examination.
One possible solution to tackle this task is to make a short 20-30-word vocabulary lists on all of the topics.