First Day Back @ SCH.
I had a wonderful time at school today. Everybody was glad to see me. 11D had made A REAL BIG CAKE for me! It was delicious. So, we ate the cake, drank tea and wrote and discussed the USA and the most popular prejudices and stereotypes about it. Time went really fast with them.
The next class was 11E who greeted me with a big Fazer chocolate and asked me to promise that I won't ever leave them again. This is a hard promise to keep but I'll try. They only have 1.5 years here, so it might be doable.
11B greeted me in the corridor and
I was glad to see my 10E, who unfortunately had to take a test today, and thus we couldn't discuss things. Maybe tomorrow. We'll use the thinking maps that I've learned so much about.
My 10B came to greet me and meet me. They want to travel somewhere in the spring. We have to discuss that.
Talking about travelling 11E was sure that I'm going to join them in whatever journey they are going to take this year... I hope I'll be able to!
Ah, yes. And my own 10B in my Business English lesson.
We learned that ICT stands for I SEE TEA!
And they came up with their own creative idea how to memorize an abbreviation "AGM" (Using the lincs strategy that I had learned about but I didn't say a word)
Now AGM stands for the Annual General Meeting of ANGRY GARBAGE MEN!
I loved it!
I used the tickets out of the door thing with the abbreviations and I would like to think it worked quite well. But of course my BE group is so small - it's easy to experiment with them.
In Estonian I liked the word "mittetähenduslik hinne" which is very hard to translate but was meant to mean kind of small and insignificant assignments given in class....
So, I'm looking forward to being out of my comfort zone. There is just SO much to do!
I'm glad to be back and see everybody again! :)