22 February, 2007


Some pieces of wisdom collected over the past few weeks.

  • There are people who look at the Shakespeare Sonnet 116 and exclaim: "You really think that I should learn this essay by heart?!"

  • Hanging the hanged has no use whatsoever - if every other teacher uses bad grades to 'punish' them then during the last lessons of the day they are totally numb to the power of grades.

  • When I go out of my way to compile a difficult test - it turns out to be really simple.
    When, however, I have promised to deliver an easy one - it's a killer (or a "tank" as it is called by them).

  • If the school-day is shortened in Stone City - it means that instead of 14.00 it will end at 14.30.

Happy Estonian Independence Day!!!
On 24th of Feb last year I delivered a lecture on Estonia to the students of Max-Eyth-Schule in Alsfeld, Germany and the lecture notes can be accessed here. Became quite a celebrity with colour-photograph in the local paper :D So one can say that Estonia is still something exotic in places like Germany.
Unfortunately the videos integrated to the presentation will not work.
Have used the materials by Estonian Institute.

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