Christmas Show
The Show was Great!
Will post videos and pics later...
English lessons @ Stone City
The Show was Great!
Will post videos and pics later...
Posted by Tea at 02:29 0 comments
Here you can see the special programme about Christmas Show.
The dress rehearsals are 11.12 and 12.12
and the Show itself on 17.12 in Väike Vanemuine
Posted by Tea at 23:34 0 comments
Labels: show
Who hasn't chosen their topic of presentation yet - here's your chance:
(write the name you've chosen in a comment )
In your presentation talk about:
Posted by Tea at 16:12 0 comments
Who hasn't chosen their topic of presentation yet - here's your chance:
(write the name you've chosen in a comment )
In your presentation talk about:
Posted by Tea at 15:54 2 comments
Labels: BE11
HERE is the list of revision questions for the test 1.12.08
Revision Questions
Anglo-Saxon period
1. What is known about the Celts?
2. Romans in Birtain.
3. Who were the next invaders and where did they come from?
4. What was their lifestyle like?
5. How did Britain become Christian?
6. What is the importance of the Venerable Bede?
7. Who broke the power of the Anglo-Saxons?
8. By what means did the Normans subdue England?
9. Wich tradition did Anglo-Saxon poetry belong to? The importance of scops.
10. „Beowulf” – background
Medieval period
Posted by Tea at 14:51 0 comments
Labels: literature10
ass over teacup/teakettle =
if you go ass over teacup you turn upside down with your feet above your head
- ülepeakaela
Posted by Tea at 11:45 0 comments
Labels: 12B
Home reading topics:
renovating houses
summer houses
feng shui in home decoration
extraordinary houses
significant buildings (WTC, White House)
historical houses
haunted houses
traditional homes around the world
Posted by Tea at 10:34 0 comments
Labels: 10e, home reading
European Day of Languages 26.09.2008
AS Dialoog book sales (Wednesday 24.09)
Cookie contest (10th-graders)
Language Day Quiz (grades 9-12)
Photo exhibition "Britishness" (12th grade)
Decoration of corridors (8th grade)
Kivilinna Gümnaasiumi uudised 22. - 26. septembrini from kivilinn on Vimeo.
Posted by Tea at 16:51 0 comments
According to POSTIMEES Stone City High ranks FIFTEENTH in overall national state exam results table!
I'd say three hurrahs to that!
Math result is 2nd in the entire Republic of Estonia and the English results are in 39th place with 72p average which might seem a little low BUT you have to take into account that 151 students took that exam in our school this year. I'll add the average for English-based classes as soon as I'll get it...
Anyway. I am proud of my former students.
... and work even harder with my fresh ones starting this autumn :)
Posted by Tea at 17:33 0 comments
Labels: exam
I just noticed - there are just too many cool pictures of life at Stone City ... I'll better sort them first and upload them somewhere else and post a link :P
Posted by Tea at 23:56 0 comments
Labels: photos
The first question should be an indirect question.
Could you tell me if you..
I wonder if / when/ why etc. etc.
Role play questions that you should form with the following key words.
Reason. => why?
Time. => when?
Place. => where (is it located) / how big
Duration. => how long?
Frequency => how often?
Type of => what kind of ...
Accommodation. => Where shall we stay? Will we stay at a hotel etc
Cost. => how much does it cost? How much do I have to pay for it?
History. => When was it established?
Origin. => Does it have a long history?
Where does it come from? It goes a way back, doesn't it?
Opening times. => when is it open?
Aim => what is the purpose of ...? Is it meant for...? Why do they have...?
Availability. => Can I get/buy it here in Estonia? Where can one buy/get it? etc etc
hope it helps a bit
Posted by Tea at 15:55 0 comments
Look at the reports and letters part...
Posted by Tea at 15:14 0 comments
I've uploaded some pages from Exam Dictionary to help you compile your own vocabulary lists (Thank you Gerli for scanning these for me!).
The pages can be found HERE.
Any new materials that I'll come up with before the exam will also be uploaded on the same address and you can also check the DEL.ICIO.US/TKIG_ENGLISH page for some grammar and vocabulary exercises you can do online and also several writing links etc. etc.
Also good luck to you for the report you have to write on Saturday in Estonian language!
Posted by Tea at 21:58 0 comments
Labels: exam, vocabulary
Here is where the scanned files with vocabulary on social and global issues as well as work and environment can be found.
I'll post a page of useful tips very soon.
Posted by Tea at 15:39 0 comments
Labels: exam, vocabulary
The following topics have been taken (and translated) from "Riigi Teataja" and that is what you are supposed to have mastered in a foreign language by the end of your high school studies.
1. ALL about ME: I as a personality among others; special features, abilities, preferences, strengths/weaknesses
2. FAMILY/HOME: marriage and family; roles in family; rights and obligations, home and upbringing; family budget
3. FRIENDS: relationships between friends; social issues/problems
4. ENVIRONMENT: nature, nature protection, natural resources, climate, country/town, urbanization
ESTONIA: government, economy, traditions, international relations
WORLD: international relations
5. ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES (UK, USA, NZ, Australia etc): government, economy, traditions, international relations
6. HABITUAL ACTIONS: healthy lifestyle, nutrition, communication in service sector, accidents (giving aid)
7. EDUCATION / WORK: education system and study possibilities in Estonia and English-speaking countries, learning skills, exam skills; employment/unemployment; development in technology
8. HOBBIES, CULTURE: sports, art, music, theatre, important cultural figures; advertising and its role; Information society and its problems
Posted by Tea at 09:54 0 comments
Here is the prepositional phrases list that I have promised for a couple of months (or so it seems).
Great thanks to Sirli for the translations!
You actually know most of the phrases (I am sure), so concentrate on the ones you don't know.
The list is taken from GrammarWay 4 appendix 3 and everybody can feel free to modify it in their own computer. Perhaps it would be better to learn if you made 2 columns with translations or even 3 columns with the word, preposition and translation in different columns.
If you spot any mistakes (nobody is infallible), please leave comments to this post and I'll modify the file.