10 November, 2008

Literature revision questions

HERE is the list of revision questions for the test 1.12.08

Revision Questions

Anglo-Saxon period

1. What is known about the Celts?

2. Romans in Birtain.

3. Who were the next invaders and where did they come from?

4. What was their lifestyle like?

5. How did Britain become Christian?

6. What is the importance of the Venerable Bede?

7. Who broke the power of the Anglo-Saxons?

8. By what means did the Normans subdue England?

9. Wich tradition did Anglo-Saxon poetry belong to? The importance of scops.

10. „Beowulf” – background

Medieval period

What was the Norman rule like for the Anglo-Saxons?

  1. Why was the Hundred Years war held and what was its outcome?
  2. Describe the social order in England.
  3. Describe the system of goverment.
  4. What was Domesday book and why was it important?
  5. Magna Carta and it´s importance.
  6. How was the king´s absolute power lost?
  7. Anglo-Saxons poetic forms in the medival period? Examples.
  8. What is a chivalric romance? Describe the plot.
  9. What is courtly love?
  10. Name the cdategories into wich the romancers written in Britain were divided.
  11. Which other forms of French literature influenced the development of English literature?
  12. What is the lyric?
  13. Describe the different types of ballads.
  14. The development of drama: the Mystery, Morality and Miracele plays

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