23 October, 2006

Animal idioms

English idioms are fun to learn because they are sometimes absolutely different from what we use in Estonian. Instead of raining cats and dogs as it does in English, in Estonian it "rains from a bean's stalk", you're "as stupid as a sheep" and "the chest of a bold wolf is greasy"... These would be much fun to learn for a foreigner as well. In addition to that, we have things like 'bear's trousers' which are woollen trousers worn by small kids, 'cow cake' - meaning cow pat and all the food is referred to as being 'addition to bread' and much more.
Feel free to add any interesting translations of Estonian idioms in comments!

You may also check out a very good page for finding Animal Idioms in English.

A general idiom page (with an awful colour palette, I must add).

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