30 January, 2007


Numbers and measurements in English are not as easy as they seem. Therefore, today's lesson is on measurements.

Open a page with instructions HERE.

Keep the instructions open till you finish the tasks.

Good luck :D

23 January, 2007


I have just finished a course titled "DigiTiiger" which concentrated on the usage of ICT means in classroom.
We learned a variety of new ways to make lessons more interesting and also how to use the computer classes at our school more effectively.
You have already tried out my two lessons on Verbals and Modals and I'm still waiting for feedback.
Other things that we learned were:

  • how to make mind-maps using Inspiration software;

  • how to create e-courses on the Internet (am definitely going to try this out with my BE course as there is so much trouble with the time of this selective subject);

  • how to create a blog (that one I knew quite well already as you may guess - mine is classified as edublog= blog with an educational purpose);

  • how to create tests and exercises and publish them on the web;

  • how to evaluate webpages and educational software;

  • how to use forums for communication with one's students and colleagues;

  • how to use Picasa - which is a free program for photo editing and many other things.

Today, as I said, was the last 'lesson' and I had to present the best works that I had prepared during the course. Surely, you may guess, my favourite achievement was the present blog which I used as an example of all my skills :D
I also used the Christmas Show post as an example of so-called blog explosion :D which means that the commentators get carried away and start arguing their own issues in the comments (too bad that i'm not making money for my blog as my visitation numbers have nearly doubled since the nationalism-debate started in comments). Warned my colleagues that things may get quite out of hand and eventually the blog-owner will be responsible for moderating the blog.

All in all, it has been an enlightening course and hope it was much use to my other colleagues as well.

22 January, 2007

Manic Monday (new outfit)

The Manic Monday tradition has regained consciousness but in a slightly different form.

Helena made a presentation about a film she has watched - Closer- stating the main relationships in the movie and making some conclusions. She also showed us the trailer which (I must admit) is a really good one :D Some universal truths in it. Have a look!

I admit that the format of film reviewing has to be worked on yet.

Next Monday we are going to have a traditional song presentation...

18 January, 2007

Modal verbs

Following is the lesson plan for the computer-class lesson on modals.

Table of modal verbs - open on a separate page or tab.

Description of main uses of modal verbs with examples. - If you think you know all that, you can skip this link.

Do the self-study exercises on modals
1 page - mustn't, needn't
2 page - uses of need
3 page - mustn't, needn't
4 page - general (could have been, must have been, can't have been etc.)
5 page - general (all modals: could, would, might etc)
Meant for general practice.

Graded task for the lesson:
Do the test on modals - notice that the answers will be saved, sent to myself, and you will not get immediate feedback.

Write a comment using your own name (choose Other & write your name there) on the lesson - describing your feelings about the tasks (easy/difficult, knew everything, would like more lessons like this etc.)

Homework: study modals by doing exercises here.

Gerund, Infinitive, Participle revision


Infinitive - to be, to have been

Gerund - being

Participle - being, having been

Rules – general

http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_verbals.html - examples of infinitive, gerund and participle
(download a pdf)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participle - general description of participles what they are and how they are used.

Infinitive and Gerund

1. exercises on Infinitive and Gerund
try to choose exercises with more *** - they are closer to your level in English.


2. exercises on Participles - all levels

3. exercise Gerund or Participle

4. exercise Present or Past participle

Test on Verbals (infinitive, gerund, participle) - results into my mailbox, you will not get an immediate answer.

09 January, 2007

Home reading requirements

Home reading requirements for 11B/11D:

Topic: Health (subtopics - healthy living, disease/epidemics, eating disorders, drugs)
Article length 10-12 A4 (given to the teacher with references either on paper carrier or as a .doc file)
Expressions: 20
Derivations: 10 (with at least 2 derivations from each chosen word)
Summary: 200-250 words
Presentation of the summary: by heart to the teacher privately
Deadline: 29.01

Home reading requirements for 11A

Topic: Media (Avertising, mass media history etc)
Article length 10-12 A4 (provided by the teacher or given to the teacher with references either on paper carrier or as a .doc file)
Expressions: 20
Derivations: 10 (with at least 2 derivations from each chosen word)
Questions about the text: 5 (or more) - given to the class before public presentation of the summary
Summary: 200-250 words
Presentation of the summary: by heart
Deadline: 6.02

Home reading requirements for 11C
Topic: Modern living/ lifestyles
Article length 10-12 A4 (given to the teacher with references either on paper carrier or as a .doc file)
Derivations: 15 (with at least 2 derivations from each chosen word)
Questions about the text: 5 (or more) - given to the class before public presentation of the summary
Summary: 200-250 words
Presentation of the summary: by heart (only key words and phrases)
Deadline: 29.01

In case you have any good ideas for the next home reading concerning topics, requirements or anything else. Please feel free to comment.