18 January, 2007

Gerund, Infinitive, Participle revision


Infinitive - to be, to have been

Gerund - being

Participle - being, having been

Rules – general

http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_verbals.html - examples of infinitive, gerund and participle
(download a pdf)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participle - general description of participles what they are and how they are used.

Infinitive and Gerund

1. exercises on Infinitive and Gerund
try to choose exercises with more *** - they are closer to your level in English.


2. exercises on Participles - all levels

3. exercise Gerund or Participle

4. exercise Present or Past participle

Test on Verbals (infinitive, gerund, participle) - results into my mailbox, you will not get an immediate answer.


Anonymous said...

Those exercises were very easy to solve .

Anonymous said...

ego4u.com is pretty alright. there are a variety of tests, classified by the exercise type and dificulty.
i think the tests on both infinitive and gerund are the best because there is a conjoining text and etc.